понедельник, 6 июня 2011 г.

HSE Announces Chemicals Regulation Directorate, UK

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has announced that the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) and the Chemicals Assessment Schemes Unit (CASU) will merge to form the new Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD) on 1 April 2009.

Kerr Wilson, currently Chief Executive of PSD, becomes Director of CRD reporting directly to HSE's Chief Executive Geoffrey Podger. Dr Wilson said:

"Bringing together the delivery of HSE responsibilities for pesticides, biocides detergents and industrial chemicals into one directorate has the potential to provide all stakeholders with a better regulatory service."


The HSE Board has overall responsibility for occupational health and safety regulations in Great Britain, and HSE and Local Authorities are the enforcing authorities that work in support of the Board.

Defra's review of its regulatory Agencies in accordance with the recommendations of the 2005 Hampton Review of Regulators resulted in the transfer of the Pesticides Safety Directorate to the Health and Safety Directorate on the 1 April 2008. For more details on the transfer see here.

A commitment was given to external stakeholders that within the first year of merging, HSE would explore the ways in which its chemical regulatory responsibilities might be integrated. Following an implementation plan, HSE's Board agreed to the formation of the new directorate on 1 April 2009.

The Directorate will be responsible for the regulation of biocides, pesticides, detergents and chemicals and duties under the Classification and Labelling regime. The Directorate will also deliver a number of other responsibilities including Prior Informed Consent (imports/exports legislation) and international representation. The Directorate will be HSE's source of regulatory expertise (toxicology, chemistry, human exposure and environmental impact, including efficacy).

These changes will not affect the delivery of our organisations' objectives and all telephone and postal addresses remain the same. Points of contact will remain the same as they were before 1 April. Our respective contact telephone lines remain unchanged:

Mallard House Tel: 01904 640500 (international: + 44 1904 640500)

Redgrave Court Tel: 0151 951 4000 (international + 44 151 951 4000)

The new directorate will employ about 250 staff.

Defra ministers will continue to have overall strategic responsibility for chemicals and pesticides policy.


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